
Blockchain Legal Institute Foundation

About Us

BLI Foundation’s Academy includes virtual online field trips and continuing education opportunities for youth and young adults.

Learn about career opportunities within the fields of artificial intelligence, blockchain, and digital asset companies.

Career Readiness Field Trips (Intergenerational)

  • Blockchain Basics
  • AI for Everyone
  • Introduction to Digital assets
  • Blockchain For Youth
  • Blockchain and Money
  • Blockchain Careers
  • Blockchain research
  • Online identity Protection
  • Why BLI?
  • What To Know About Hacking
  • Bitcoin Cinderella & Her Adventures

Blockchain Legal Institute Foundation

Career Readiness & Development

  • On demand
  • Self Study
  • Youth Publication
  • Intern Opportunities

BLI Foundation Virtual FIELD TRIPS

Virtual Career Day Talk Shows

Explore a catalog of over 200 video interviews of professionals within the blockchain and digital asset community.

Learn How To Conduct Research

Engage in fun and creative research to explore the many layers of resources within the blockchain community.

Guided Workshops

Youth workshops designed for your online field trip - Ranging from 1 hour to 1/2 day. Email to book speaker at

Career Day Virtual Curriculum

Conduct your career day online with professionals ranging from artificial intelligence to blockchain applications. Supplement your career day with online interviews and guided conversations. Email to book calendar.

Learn and Develop Your Career

The BLI Foundation is proud to offer a cutting-edge Continuing Education programs are tailored for youth and young adults interested in learning about new career opportunities in the rapidly evolving field of blockchain technology.


Bitcoin Cinderella Adventure Series Books

Available in English, Spanish, Create and soon other languages. Email for bulk discount rates.

Career Day Virtual Packages

Each package contains 10 interview. BLI Career Day Tour Guide. Tours last 3 1/2 hours. Guide Rate: $750 without publication add on.

BLI Youth Blockchain Workshops

Each workshops is 60 minutes. Contains BLI Scavenger Hunt, Guided Lesson on How To Research Blockchain Careers & A Bitcoin Cinderella Chapter Read Aloud Activity. Rate: $150 without publication add on.

Career Counseling Workshop

This workshop is 60 minutes. Provides guidance on the evolving careers available within the fields of artificial intelligence, blockchain applications and digital assets. Rate: $150 without publications add on.

Whether you’re seeking to learn or access a career in this space, BLI Foundation can create a program to support the learning of youth and young adults to include diverse learners.

Contact us to design a program or workshop to meet your learning needs by exploring the opportunities presented by blockchain technology and its community.

Learn how groups participating in the BLI Foundation Programs can gain complementary access to a centralized library of decentralized resources.


Bitcoin Cinderella Adventure Series Books

Hot To Incorporate Read Alouds To Teach Introduction To Blockchain, Bitcoin & Innovative Technology Vocabulary.

Guidance Counselor Career Day Trainings

A Training for Guidance Counselors & Other Professionals on the career paths available within the blockchain community

Teacher Training Blockchain Workshops

Learn how to incorporate STRAM topics from the blockchain community into your curriculum and lessons

Tools For Diverse Learners Training

Whether you are in the area of education for Exceptional Learners or in other education areas, there are many tools available within the blockchain community to support our youth and young adults. Learn what the tools are and how to incorporate them.

To participate in the Teacher Trainings, reach out to the BLI Foundation Education Team to schedule a training.

Each training is 60 minutes. Each training is $150 per session. Session workshop rates do not include membership to the Centralized Library or to additional resource publications.

If more than one participant attends workshop, each additional participant rates is $75.00 additional.